Compund Words
- aga
- ajuga
- alga
- alpha and omega
- alpinia galanga
- anhinga
- anhinga anhinga
- arenga
- asanga
- auriga
- badaga
- balenciaga
- battle of chattanooga
- battle of chickamauga
- battle of saratoga
- beluga
- bhaga
- bodega
- braga
- cananga
- cape dagga
- cayuga
- chaga
- chagga
- chattanooga
- chickamauga
- chunga
- cimicifuga
- conestoga
- conga
- corypha gebanga
- cotinga
- cristobal balenciaga
- crotophaga
- curcuma longa
- cydonia oblonga
- dagga
- daniel ortega
- durga
- echidnophaga
- equus quagga
- falanga
- fort ticonderoga
- frigga
- ga
- gaap
- gab
- gaba
- gabapentin
- gabardine
- gabble
- gabbro
- gaberdine
- gabfest
- gable
- gable end
- gable roof
- gable wall
- gabon
- gabon franc
- gabonese
- gabonese republic
- gaboon viper
- gabor
- gaboriau
- gaborone
- gabriel
- gabriel daniel fahrenheit
- gabriel lippmann
- gabriel tellez
- gabriele fallopius
- gabriello fallopio
- gabun
- gad
- gadaba
- gadabout
- gaddafi
- gaddi
- gadfly
- gadget
- gadgeteer
- gadgetry
- gadidae
- gadiformes
- gadoid
- gadoid fish
- gadolinite
- gadolinium
- gadsden
- gadus
- gadus macrocephalus
- gadus merlangus
- gadus morhua
- gaea
- gael
- gaelic
- gaetan vestris
- gaetano donizetti
- gaff
- gaff-headed sail
- gaff topsail
- gaffe
- gaffer
- gaffsail
- gafsa
- gag
- gag law
- gag line
- gag order
- gag reflex
- gag rule
- gagarin
- gage
- gaggle
- gagman
- gagster
- gagwriter
- gai choi
- gaia
- gaiety
- gaillardia
- gaillardia pulchella
- gain
- gainer
- gainesville
- gainfulness
- gaining control
- gainsborough
- gaiseric
- gait
- gaiter
- gaius
- gaius aurelius valerius diocletian
- gaius caesar
- gaius cassius longinus
- gaius cornelius tacitus
- gaius flaminius
- gaius julius caesar
- gaius julius caesar octavianus
- gaius octavianus
- gaius petronius
- gaius plinius caecilius secundus
- gaius plinius secundus
- gaius valerius catullus
- gal
- gala
- gala affair
- galactagogue
- galactocele
- galactose
- galactosemia
- galactosis
- galago
- galahad
- galan
- galangal
- galantine
- galanty show
- galapagos
- galapagos islands
- galatea
- galatia
- galatian
- galatians
- galax
- galax urceolata
- galaxy
- galbanum
- galbraith
- galbulidae
- galbulus
- gale
- galea
- galega
- galega officinalis
- galen
- galena
- galeocerdo
- galeocerdo cuvieri
- galeopsis
- galeopsis tetrahit
- galeorhinus
- galeorhinus zyopterus
- galeras
- galere
- galicia
- galician
- galictis vittatus
- galiella rufa
- galilaean
- galilean
- galilean satellite
- galilean telescope
- galilee
- galileo
- galileo galilei
- galina sergeevna ulanova
- galina ulanova
- galingale
- galium
- galium aparine
- galium boreale
- galium lanceolatum
- galium mollugo
- galium odoratum
- galium verum
- gall
- gall-berry
- gall bladder
- gall gnat
- gall midge
- gall of the earth
- gall wasp
- gallamine
- gallant
- gallant fox
- gallantry
- gallaudet
- gallberry
- gallbladder
- galleon
- galleria
- galleria mellonella
- gallery
- galley
- galley proof
- galley slave
- gallfly
- gallia
- galliano
- gallic acid
- gallicanism
- gallicism
- galliformes
- gallimaufry
- gallina
- gallinacean
- gallinaceous bird
- gallinago
- gallinago gallinago
- gallinago gallinago delicata
- gallinago media
- gallinula
- gallinula chloropus
- gallinula chloropus cachinnans
- gallinule
- gallirallus
- gallium
- gallon
- gallop
- gallop rhythm
- gallous
- galloway
- gallows
- gallows-tree
- gallows bird
- gallows tree
- gallstone
- gallup
- gallus
- gallus gallus
- galois
- galois theory
- galoot
- galosh
- galsworthy
- galton
- galtonia candicans
- galvani
- galvanic battery
- galvanic cell
- galvanic pile
- galvanic skin response
- galvanisation
- galvaniser
- galvanism
- galvanization
- galvanized iron
- galvanizer
- galvanometer
- galveston
- galveston bay
- galveston island
- galway
- galway bay
- gam
- gamal abdel nasser
- gamba
- gambelia
- gambia
- gambian
- gambian monetary unit
- gambier islands
- gambist
- gambit
- gamble
- gambler
- gambling
- gambling casino
- gambling contract
- gambling den
- gambling game
- gambling hell
- gambling house
- gambling system
- gamboge
- gamboge tree
- gambol
- gambrel
- gambrel roof
- gambusia
- gambusia affinis
- game
- game bird
- game equipment
- game fish
- game fowl
- game law
- game license
- game misconduct
- game of chance
- game plan
- game room
- game show
- game theory
- game warden
- gamebag
- gameboard
- gamecock
- gamekeeper
- gamelan
- gameness
- games-master
- games-mistress
- gamesmanship
- gametangium
- gamete
- gametocyte
- gametoecium
- gametogenesis
- gametophore
- gametophyte
- gamin
- gamine
- gaminess
- gaming
- gaming card
- gaming house
- gaming table
- gamma
- gamma-interferon
- gamma acid
- gamma aminobutyric acid
- gamma globulin
- gamma hydroxybutyrate
- gamma iron
- gamma radiation
- gamma ray
- gammon
- gammopathy
- gamow
- gamp
- gamut
- gan jiang
- ganapati
- gand
- gand flower
- gander
- gandhi
- gandy dancer
- ganef
- ganesa
- ganesh
- ganesha
- gang
- gang fight
- gangboard
- gangdom
- ganger
- ganges
- ganges river
- gangland
- gangliocyte
- ganglion
- ganglion cell
- gangplank
- gangrene
- gangrenous emphysema
- gangsaw
- gangsta
- gangster
- gangster's moll
- gangway
- ganja
- gannet
- ganof
- ganoid
- ganoid fish
- ganoidei
- ganoin
- ganoine
- gansu
- gansu province
- gantanol
- gantlet
- gantrisin
- gantry
- ganymede
- gao
- gaol
- gaolbird
- gaolbreak
- gaoler
- gap
- gape
- gapped scale
- gar
- garage
- garage sale
- garageman's lien
- garambulla
- garambulla cactus
- garamycin
- garand
- garand rifle
- garb
- garbage
- garbage can
- garbage carter
- garbage collection
- garbage collector
- garbage disposal
- garbage dump
- garbage hauler
- garbage heap
- garbage man
- garbage pickup
- garbage truck
- garbageman
- garbanzo
- garbo
- garboard
- garboard plank
- garboard strake
- garboil
- garbology
- garcia lorca
- garcinia
- garcinia cambogia
- garcinia gummi-gutta
- garcinia hanburyi
- garcinia mangostana
- garden
- garden angelica
- garden balm
- garden cart
- garden centipede
- garden chair
- garden cress
- garden current
- garden egg
- garden forget-me-not
- garden heliotrope
- garden hose
- garden huckleberry
- garden lettuce
- garden loosestrife
- garden nasturtium
- garden of eden
- garden orache
- garden party
- garden pea
- garden pea plant
- garden pepper cress
- garden pink
- garden plant
- garden rake
- garden rhubarb
- garden rocket
- garden roller
- garden snail
- garden sorrel
- garden spade
- garden spider
- garden state
- garden stater
- garden strawberry
- garden symphilid
- garden tool
- garden trowel
- garden truck
- garden violet
- garden webworm
- gardener
- gardener's delight
- gardener's garters
- gardenia
- gardenia augusta
- gardenia jasminoides
- gardening
- gardiner
- gardner
- garfield
- garfish
- garganey
- gargantua
- garget
- gargle
- gargoyle
- gargoylism
- gari
- garibaldi
- garishness
- garland
- garland crab
- garland flower
- garlic
- garlic bread
- garlic butter
- garlic chive
- garlic clove
- garlic mustard
- garlic press
- garlic salt
- garlic sauce
- garment
- garment-worker
- garment bag
- garment cutter
- garment industry
- garment worker
- garmentmaker
- garner
- garnet
- garnet lac
- garnier
- garnierite
- garnish
- garnishee
- garnishment
- garonne
- garonne river
- garotte
- garpike
- garret
- garrick
- garrison
- garrison cap
- garrote
- garroter
- garrotte
- garrotter
- garrulinae
- garrulity
- garrulousness
- garrulus
- garry oak
- garter
- garter belt
- garter snake
- garter stitch
- gartner's bacillus
- garuda
- garullus garullus
- gary
- gary cooper
- gary kasparov
- gary weinstein
- gas
- gas-cooled reactor
- gas-discharge lamp
- gas-discharge tube
- gas-turbine ship
- gas bomb
- gas bracket
- gas burner
- gas chamber
- gas company
- gas constant
- gas cooker
- gas embolism
- gas engine
- gas fitter
- gas fitting
- gas fixture
- gas furnace
- gas gage
- gas gangrene
- gas gauge
- gas giant
- gas gun
- gas guzzler
- gas heat
- gas heater
- gas helmet
- gas holder
- gas jet
- gas lamp
- gas line
- gas main
- gas maser
- gas meter
- gas mileage
- gas oil
- gas oven
- gas pedal
- gas phlegmon
- gas plant
- gas pressure
- gas pump
- gas range
- gas ring
- gas service
- gas shell
- gas station
- gas stove
- gas system
- gas tank
- gas thermometer
- gas turbine
- gas well
- gasbag
- gascogne
- gasconade
- gascony
- gaseous nebula
- gaseous state
- gaseousness
- gasfield
- gash
- gasherbrum
- gasification
- gaskell
- gasket
- gaskin
- gaslight
- gasman
- gasmask
- gasohol
- gasolene
- gasoline
- gasoline bomb
- gasoline engine
- gasoline gage
- gasoline gauge
- gasoline mileage
- gasoline pump
- gasoline station
- gasoline tank
- gasoline tax
- gasometer
- gasp
- gaspar
- gassing
- gasteromycete
- gasteromycetes
- gasterophilidae
- gasterophilus
- gasterophilus intestinalis
- gasteropoda
- gasterosteidae
- gasterosteus
- gasterosteus aculeatus
- gasterosteus pungitius
- gaston lachaise
- gastralgia
- gastrectomy
- gastric acid
- gastric antacid
- gastric artery
- gastric digestion
- gastric juice
- gastric lavage
- gastric mill
- gastric smear
- gastric ulcer
- gastric vein
- gastrin
- gastritis
- gastroboletus
- gastroboletus scabrosus
- gastroboletus turbinatus
- gastrocnemius
- gastrocnemius muscle
- gastrocolic omentum
- gastrocybe
- gastrocybe lateritia
- gastroenteritis
- gastroenterologist
- gastroenterology
- gastroenterostomy
- gastroepiploic vein
- gastroesophageal reflux
- gastrogavage
- gastrointestinal disorder
- gastrointestinal hormone
- gastrointestinal system
- gastrointestinal tract
- gastrolobium
- gastromy
- gastromycete
- gastromycetes
- gastronome
- gastronomy
- gastroomental vein
- gastrophryne
- gastrophryne carolinensis
- gastrophryne olivacea
- gastropod
- gastropoda
- gastroscope
- gastroscopy
- gastrostomy
- gastrula
- gastrulation
- gasworks
- gat
- gate
- gateau
- gatecrasher
- gatefold
- gatehouse
- gatekeeper
- gateleg table
- gatepost
- gates
- gates of the arctic national park
- gateway
- gateway drug
- gateway to the west
- gather
- gathered skirt
- gatherer
- gathering
- gathering place
- gathic
- gatling
- gatling gun
- gator
- gatt
- gaucheness
- gaucher's disease
- gaucherie
- gaucho
- gaud
- gaudery
- gaudi
- gaudi i cornet
- gaudiness
- gaudy
- gauffer
- gauffering iron
- gauge
- gauge boson
- gauguin
- gaul
- gaultheria
- gaultheria hispidula
- gaultheria procumbens
- gaultheria shallon
- gauntlet
- gauntness
- gauntry
- gaur
- gauri
- gauss
- gaussian curve
- gaussian distribution
- gaussian shape
- gaussmeter
- gautama
- gautama buddha
- gautama siddhartha
- gauze
- gauze bandage
- gavage
- gavel
- gavia
- gavial
- gavialidae
- gavialis
- gavialis gangeticus
- gavidae
- gaviiform seabird
- gaviiformes
- gavotte
- gawain
- gawk
- gawker
- gawkiness
- gay
- gay-feather
- gay-lussac
- gay-lussac's law
- gay lib
- gay liberation movement
- gay man
- gay woman
- gayal
- gayfeather
- gaylussacia
- gaylussacia baccata
- gaylussacia brachycera
- gaylussacia frondosa
- gayness
- gaywings
- gaza
- gaza strip
- gazania
- gazania rigens
- gaze
- gazebo
- gazella
- gazella subgutturosa
- gazella thomsoni
- gazelle
- gazelle hound
- gazette
- gazetteer
- gazillion
- gazpacho
- genus ajuga
- genus anhinga
- genus arenga
- genus cananga
- genus chunga
- genus cimicifuga
- genus cotinga
- genus crotophaga
- genus echidnophaga
- genus galega
- genus ichthyostega
- genus inga
- genus mirounga
- genus molluga
- genus musophaga
- genus myrmecophaga
- genus nucifraga
- genus piranga
- genus pseudotsuga
- genus saiga
- genus sarcophaga
- genus saxifraga
- genus setophaga
- genus sitotroga
- genus syringa
- genus tautoga
- genus trichophaga
- genus triga
- genus tringa
- genus tsuga
- genus tunga
- gulf of riga
- hatha yoga
- ichyostega
- iga
- inga
- jirga
- kaluga
- kananga
- kanchanjanga
- kanchenjunga
- kichaga
- kinchinjunga
- kingdom of tonga
- ladoga
- lake cayuga
- lake ladoga
- lake onega
- lope de vega
- loya jirga
- malaga
- malanga
- mallo
- conga
- gab
- gabble
- gad
- gag
- gage
- gaggle
- gain
- gain ground
- gain vigor
- gainsay
- gall
- gallivant
- gallop
- galumph
- galvanise
- galvanize
- gamble
- gambol
- game
- gang
- gang-rape
- gang up
- gangrene
- gaol
- gap
- gape
- garage
- garb
- garbage down
- garble
- garden
- gargle
- garland
- garment
- garner
- garnish
- garnishee
- garotte
- garrison
- garrote
- garrotte
- garter
- gas
- gas up
- gasconade
- gash
- gasify
- gasp
- gate
- gate-crash
- gather
- gather in
- gather up
- gauffer
- gauge
- gawk
- gawp
- gaze
- gazette
- gazump
- gabby
- gabled
- gabonese
- gaelic
- gaelic-speaking
- gaga
- gainful
- gainly
- galactic
- galilaean
- galilean
- gallant
- galled
- gallic
- gallican
- gallinaceous
- galling
- galore
- galvanic
- galvanising
- galvanizing
- galwegian
- gambian
- game
- gamey
- gammy
- gamopetalous
- gamy
- gandhian
- gangling
- gangly
- gangrenous
- gap-toothed
- gaping
- garbed
- garbled
- gardant
- gargantuan
- garish
- garlicky
- garmented
- garmentless
- garnet-colored
- garnet-coloured
- garrulous
- gas-filled
- gas-tight
- gaseous
- gasified
- gassy
- gastric
- gastroduodenal
- gastroesophageal
- gastrointestinal
- gastronomic
- gastronomical
- gathered
- gauche
- gaudy
- gauguinesque
- gaumless
- gaunt
- gauntleted
- gaussian
- gauze-like
- gauzy
- gawky
- gay
- meshuga
- meshugga
- gaily
- gainfully
- gainlessly
- gallantly
- gamely
- garishly
- garrulously
- gaudily
- gayly
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Search Result:Ga
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun ga
The noun ga has 3 senses
- tabun, GA -- (the first known nerve agent, synthesized by German chemists in 1936; a highly toxic combustible liquid that is soluble in organic solvents and is used as a nerve gas in chemical warfare)
- gallium, Ga, atomic number 31 -- (a rare silvery (usually trivalent) metallic element; brittle at low temperatures but liquid above room temperature; occurs in trace amounts in bauxite and zinc ores)
- Georgia, Empire State of the South, Peach State, GA -- (a state in southeastern United States; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War)