Compund Words
- 440 yards
- 880 yards
- aaland islands
- ace of diamonds
- admiralty islands
- aegadean islands
- aids
- aland islands
- aleutian islands
- amends
- american virgin islands
- aran islands
- ards
- austral islands
- backwoods
- bad lands
- badlands
- bahama islands
- baked goods
- balearic islands
- bar billiards
- beads
- beam-ends
- bends
- betting odds
- bill of goods
- billiards
- boards
- bounds
- british house of lords
- british virgin islands
- canary islands
- canned foods
- canned goods
- cape verde islands
- capital of the netherlands
- cards
- caroline islands
- cayman islands
- cedar rapids
- cervical glands
- choice of words
- coffee grounds
- collards
- comoro islands
- conjunctival layer of eyelids
- consumer goods
- cords
- cotswolds
- crossroads
- curly-heads
- dds
- deck of cards
- deeds
- dehydrated foods
- drygoods
- ds
- dscdna
- dsl
- duds
- durable goods
- eastern highlands
- eds
- edwards
- egadi islands
- ellice islands
- elysian fields
- empty words
- escrow funds
- faeroe islands
- falkland islands
- fancy goods
- fantods
- faroe islands
- fields
- fiji islands
- fresh foods
- friendly islands
- frisian islands
- frozen foods
- funds
- galapagos islands
- gambier islands
- gerhard gerhards
- gilbert and ellice islands
- gilbert islands
- goldfields
- grand rapids
- greater sunda islands
- green goods
- grounds
- guiana highlands
- hampton roads
- hands
- hardheads
- hare and hounds
- hawaiian islands
- hawk's-beards
- hebridean islands
- hen-of-the-woods
- hen of the woods
- highlands
- hollands
- honeyed words
- house of cards
- house of lords
- i. a. richards
- idle words
- innards
- investment funds
- ivor armstrong richards
- japanese islands
- john addington symonds
- john rowlands
- jonathan edwards
- kingdom of the netherlands
- ladrone islands
- lap of the gods
- laurentian highlands
- laying on of hands
- leeds
- leeward islands
- leotards
- lesser sunda islands
- loads
- lowlands
- lucy in the sky with diamonds
- madeira islands
- maldive islands
- man of deeds
- mariana islands
- marquesas islands
- marshall islands
- matching funds
- medicaid funds
- meeting of minds
- midway islands
- mods
- mother-of-thousands
- napier's rods
- neck of the woods
- netherlands
- new siberian islands
- new zealand islands
- northern mariana islands
- odds
- odds and ends
- old-man-of-the-woods
- orkney islands
- out of bounds
- pack of cards
- packaged goods
- palau islands
- philippine islands
- piece goods
- pocket billiards
- prayer beads
- proceeds
- red maids
- redmaids
- religious society of friends
- republic of the marshall islands
- reynolds
- richards
- roads
- rolaids
- ryukyu islands
- samoan islands
- sands
- sandwich islands
- scablands
- scads
- scilly islands
- scourge of the gods
- seychelles islands
- shetland islands
- sids
- sir joshua reynolds
- skinheads
- soapsuds
- society islands
- society of friends
- soft goods
- solomon islands
- south sea islands
- spice islands
- sporting goods
- string of beads
- string of words
- suds
- sunda islands
- swaddling bands
- sweetbreads
- symonds
- technical analysis of stock trends
- the netherlands
- threads
- tinned goods
- tree of the gods
- tubuai islands
- twilight of the gods
- two-thirds
- united states virgin islands
- viands
- virgin islands
- visayan islands
- volcano islands
- w. c. fields
- wads
- weeds
- western islands
- white goods
- widow's weeds
- windward islands
- woods
- words
- worldly goods
- yard goods
- bend over backwards
- change hands
- deliver the goods
- fall over backwards
- get the goods
- have words
- make vibrant sounds
- shake hands
- soar upwards
- suds
- take to the woods
- wash one's hands
- at loggerheads
- at odds
- head-in-the-clouds
- in-bounds
- in their right minds
- out-of-bounds
- afterwards
- backwards
- by all odds
- downwards
- eastwards
- forwards
- frontwards
- heavenwards
- homewards
- in other words
- inwards
- landwards
- needs
- northwards
- onwards
- outwards
- rearwards
- seawards
- sidewards
- skywards
- southwards
- spacewards
- upwards
- westwards
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Search Result:DS
(TTS Sound)

Overview of noun ds
The noun ds has 3 senses
- darmstadtium, Ds, element 110, atomic number 110 -- (a radioactive transuranic element)
- Bureau of Diplomatic Security, DS -- (the bureau in the State Department that is responsible for the security of diplomats and embassies overseas)
- Doctor of Science, DS, ScD -- (an honorary degree in science)