Compund Words
- abatable nuisance
- abatement of a nuisance
- aberrance
- abeyance
- abhorrence
- abidance
- abience
- about-face
- absence
- absolute space
- absorbance
- absorptance
- abstinence
- abundance
- acceptance
- accidence
- accomplice
- accordance
- ace
- acid-base balance
- acoustic device
- acoustic impedance
- acoustic reactance
- acoustic resistance
- acquaintance
- acquiescence
- acquittance
- active voice
- adamance
- adherence
- adience
- admission price
- admittance
- adolescence
- adult intelligence
- advance
- advertence
- advice
- advisory service
- aerodynamic force
- aerospace
- affluence
- afterpiece
- agent-in-place
- aioli sauce
- air force
- air force intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance
- air reconnaissance
- air space
- airforce
- airspace
- alfred russel wallace
- allegiance
- allemande sauce
- alliance
- allice
- allowance
- allspice
- alsace
- altace
- altarpiece
- ambiance
- ambience
- ambivalence
- ambrose bierce
- ambrose gwinett bierce
- ambulance
- amen cadence
- american licorice
- american liquorice
- american plaice
- american war of independence
- amerindian race
- analysis of variance
- analytical balance
- anatole france
- anatomical reference
- anchovy sauce
- angle of incidence
- angular distance
- ankle brace
- annoyance
- annuity in advance
- antecedence
- aortic orifice
- apache dance
- apache devil dance
- apium graveolens dulce
- apothecaries' ounce
- appearance
- appetence
- apple juice
- apple sauce
- applesauce
- appliance
- applied science
- apprentice
- appurtenance
- apricot sauce
- armed service
- armistice
- arms race
- army intelligence
- arrogance
- article of commerce
- artifice
- artificial intelligence
- ascendance
- ascendence
- asking price
- assistance
- associate in applied science
- assonance
- assurance
- astringence
- attendance
- attestation service
- attractive force
- attractive nuisance
- audience
- auspice
- auto race
- autofluorescence
- automobile insurance
- automobile race
- avarice
- avoidance
- bachelor of arts in library science
- bachelor of naval science
- bachelor of science
- back brace
- back entrance
- backspace
- balance
- ballroom dance
- banker's acceptance
- barbecue sauce
- baritone voice
- barn dance
- bass voice
- beam balance
- beatrice
- bechamel sauce
- beggar's lice
- beggar lice
- belligerence
- belly dance
- benefice
- beneficence
- benevolence
- benjamin peirce
- bibb lettuce
- bicycle race
- bid price
- bierce
- big-cone spruce
- big science
- biodefence
- biological defence
- biological science
- biological warfare defence
- bioluminescence
- biomedical science
- bioscience
- birefringence
- birth control device
- birthplace
- black ice
- black prince
- black race
- black spruce
- blackface
- blank space
- blast furnace
- blue wall of silence
- boat race
- bobbin lace
- bocce
- bodice
- body substance
- bold face
- boldface
- bolognese pasta sauce
- bonce
- boniface
- bootlace
- borderline intelligence
- boston lettuce
- bounce
- bourguignon sauce
- box office
- brace
- brain science
- brattice
- bravais lattice
- breach of the peace
- bread sauce
- break dance
- breathing device
- breathing place
- breathing space
- brewer's spruce
- bride price
- brilliance
- brisance
- brown onion sauce
- brown rice
- brown sauce
- bruce
- brussels lace
- bubble dance
- buckingham palace
- bullace
- bunce
- bureau of justice assistance
- burgundy sauce
- bus service
- business interruption insurance
- business office
- butterhead lettuce
- bw defence
- cable television service
- cadence
- california allspice
- camphor ice
- canadian province
- canadian security intelligence service
- cancer juice
- capacitance
- cape of good hope province
- cape province
- caper sauce
- capital of france
- capital of greece
- caprice
- car insurance
- car race
- carapace
- carolina allspice
- carrot juice
- cash advance
- cash price
- catholic reaction force
- caucasian race
- caucasoid race
- ce
- cease
- cease-fire
- cease and desist order
- ceaselessness
- cebidae
- cebu
- cebu city
- cebu maguey
- cebuan
- cebuano
- cebuella
- cebuella pygmaea
- cebus
- cebus capucinus
- cecal appendage
- cecidomyidae
- cecil b. demille
- cecil blount demille
- cecil frank powell
- cecil j. rhodes
- cecil john rhodes
- cecil rhodes
- cecil scott forester
- cecity
- cecropia
- cecropia moth
- cecropia peltata
- cecropiaceae
- cecum
- cedar
- cedar-apple rust
- cedar chest
- cedar elm
- cedar mahogany
- cedar nut
- cedar of goa
- cedar of lebanon
- cedar rapids
- cedar tree
- cedar waxwing
- cedarbird
- cedarwood
- cedi
- cedilla
- ceding
- ceding back
- cedrela
- cedrela calantas
- cedrela odorata
- cedrus
- cedrus atlantica
- cedrus deodara
- cedrus libani
- cefadroxil
- cefobid
- cefoperazone
- cefotaxime
- ceftazidime
- ceftin
- ceftriaxone
- cefuroxime
- ceiba
- ceiba pentandra
- ceiba tree
- ceibo
- ceilidh
- ceiling
- celandine
- celandine poppy
- celastraceae
- celastric articulatus
- celastrus
- celastrus orbiculatus
- celastrus scandens
- celebes
- celebrant
- celebrater
- celebration
- celebrator
- celebrex
- celebrity
- celecoxib
- celeriac
- celerity
- celery
- celery-leaved buttercup
- celery-topped pine
- celery blight
- celery cabbage
- celery pine
- celery root
- celery salt
- celery seed
- celery stick
- celery top pine
- celesta
- celestial body
- celestial city
- celestial equator
- celestial globe
- celestial guidance
- celestial hierarchy
- celestial horizon
- celestial latitude
- celestial longitude
- celestial mechanics
- celestial navigation
- celestial orbit
- celestial point
- celestial pole
- celestial sphere
- celestite
- celiac artery
- celiac disease
- celiac trunk
- celibacy
- celibate
- celiocentesis
- celioma
- celioscopy
- cell
- cell-mediated immune response
- cell death
- cell division
- cell doctrine
- cell membrane
- cell nucleus
- cell organ
- cell organelle
- cell theory
- cell wall
- cellar
- cellarage
- cellaret
- cellblock
- cellini
- cellist
- cello
- cellophane
- cellphone
- cellular division
- cellular inclusion
- cellular phone
- cellular respiration
- cellular slime mold
- cellular telephone
- cellularity
- cellulite
- cellulitis
- celluloid
- cellulose
- cellulose acetate
- cellulose ester
- cellulose nitrate
- cellulose tape
- cellulose triacetate
- cellulose xanthate
- cellulosic
- celom
- celoma
- celosia
- celosia argentea
- celosia argentea cristata
- celosia cristata
- celsius
- celsius scale
- celt
- celtic
- celtic cross
- celtic deity
- celtic language
- celtis
- celtis australis
- celtis laevigata
- celtis occidentalis
- celtuce
- cembalo
- cembra nut
- cembra nut tree
- cement
- cement mixer
- cementite
- cementum
- cemetery
- cenchrus
- cenchrus ciliaris
- cenchrus tribuloides
- cenobite
- cenogenesis
- cenotaph
- cenozoic
- cenozoic era
- censer
- censor
- censoring
- censorship
- censure
- census
- census bureau
- census taker
- cent
- cental
- centare
- centas
- centaur
- centaurea
- centaurea americana
- centaurea cineraria
- centaurea cyanus
- centaurea gymnocarpa
- centaurea imperialis
- centaurea moschata
- centaurea nigra
- centaurea scabiosa
- centaurea solstitialis
- centauria calcitrapa
- centaurium
- centaurium calycosum
- centaurium minus
- centaurium scilloides
- centaurus
- centaury
- centavo
- centenarian
- centenary
- centennial
- centennial state
- center
- center bit
- center field
- center fielder
- center for disease control and prevention
- center line
- center of attention
- center of buoyancy
- center of curvature
- center of flotation
- center of gravity
- center of immersion
- center of mass
- center punch
- center spread
- center stage
- centerboard
- centerfield
- centerfielder
- centerfold
- centering
- centerline
- centerpiece
- centesimo
- centesis
- centigrade scale
- centigrade thermometer
- centile
- centiliter
- centilitre
- centime
- centimeter
- centimetre
- centimo
- centipede
- centner
- central
- central africa
- central african republic
- central african republic franc
- central america
- central american
- central american country
- central american nation
- central american strap fern
- central artery of the retina
- central bank
- central body
- central chimpanzee
- central city
- central dravidian
- central gyrus
- central heating
- central intelligence agency
- central intelligence machinery
- central nervous system
- central office
- central park
- central powers
- central processing unit
- central processor
- central scotoma
- central standard time
- central sulcus
- central thai
- central time
- central vein of retina
- central vein of suprarenal gland
- central veins of liver
- central vision
- centralisation
- centralism
- centrality
- centralization
- centranthus
- centranthus ruber
- centrarchid
- centrarchidae
- centre
- centre bit
- centre for international crime prevention
- centre of attention
- centre of buoyancy
- centre of curvature
- centre of flotation
- centre of gravity
- centre of immersion
- centre of mass
- centre spread
- centre stage
- centreboard
- centrefold
- centrepiece
- centrex
- centrifugal force
- centrifugal pump
- centrifugation
- centrifuge
- centriole
- centripetal acceleration
- centripetal force
- centriscidae
- centrism
- centrist
- centrocercus
- centrocercus urophasianus
- centroid
- centrolobium
- centrolobium robustum
- centromere
- centropistes striata
- centropomidae
- centropomus
- centropristis
- centropristis philadelphica
- centropus
- centropus phasianinus
- centropus sinensis
- centrosema
- centrosema virginianum
- centrosome
- centrospermae
- centrum
- centunculus
- centurion
- century
- century plant
- ceo
- cephalalgia
- cephalanthera
- cephalanthera rubra
- cephalaspid
- cephalaspida
- cephalexin
- cephalhematoma
- cephalic index
- cephalic vein
- cephalitis
- cephalobidae
- cephalochordata
- cephalochordate
- cephaloglycin
- cephalohematoma
- cephalometry
- cephalopod
- cephalopod mollusk
- cephalopoda
- cephalopterus
- cephalopterus ornatus
- cephaloridine
- cephalosporin
- cephalotaceae
- cephalotaxaceae
- cephalotaxus
- cephalothin
- cephalotus
- cephalotus follicularis
- cepheus
- cepphus
- cepphus columba
- cepphus grylle
- cer
- cerambycidae
- ceramic
- ceramic ware
- ceramicist
- ceramics
- ceramist
- cerapteryx
- cerapteryx graminis
- ceras
- cerastes
- cerastes cornutus
- cerastium
- cerastium alpinum
- cerastium arvense
- cerastium tomentosum
- cerate
- ceratin
- ceratitis
- ceratitis capitata
- ceratodontidae
- ceratodus
- ceratonia
- ceratonia siliqua
- ceratopetalum
- ceratopetalum gummiferum
- ceratophyllaceae
- ceratophyllum
- ceratopogon
- ceratopogonidae
- ceratopsia
- ceratopsian
- ceratopsidae
- ceratopteris
- ceratopteris pteridioides
- ceratopteris thalictroides
- ceratosaur
- ceratosaurus
- ceratostomataceae
- ceratostomella
- ceratostomella ulmi
- ceratotherium
- ceratotherium simum
- ceratozamia
- cerberus
- cercaria
- cercidiphyllaceae
- cercidiphyllum
- cercidiphyllum japonicum
- cercidium
- cercidium floridum
- cercis
- cercis canadensis
- cercis occidentalis
- cercocebus
- cercopidae
- cercopithecidae
- cercopithecus
- cercopithecus aethiops
- cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus
- cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus
- cercopithecus talapoin
- cercospora
- cercospora kopkei
- cercosporella
- cere
- cereal
- cereal bowl
- cereal box
- cereal grass
- cereal oat
- cerebellar artery
- cerebellar hemisphere
- cerebellar vein
- cerebellum
- cerebral aneurysm
- cerebral aqueduct
- cerebral artery
- cerebral cortex
- cerebral death
- cerebral edema
- cerebral hemisphere
- cerebral hemorrhage
- cerebral mantle
- cerebral palsy
- cerebral peduncle
- cerebral thrombosis
- cerebral vein
- cerebration
- cerebromeningitis
- cere
- abduce
- about-face
- ace
- acquiesce
- adduce
- adolesce
- advance
- affiance
- allowance
- amerce
- announce
- apprentice
- backspace
- balance
- bechance
- belly dance
- benefice
- boat-race
- boldface
- bounce
- brace
- brattice
- break-dance
- break dance
- cease
- cede
- celebrate
- cell phone
- cement
- cense
- censor
- censure
- census
- center
- center on
- center punch
- centralise
- centralize
- centre
- centrifugate
- centrifuge
- cere
- cerebrate
- certificate
- certify
- chance
- change surface
- chiromance
- coalesce
- coerce
- commence
- conduce
- contradance
- convalesce
- convince
- cornice
- countenance
- counterbalance
- country-dance
- dance
- de-ice
- deduce
- deface
- defervesce
- dehisce
- deice
- deliquesce
- denounce
- devoice
- dice
- discountenance
- disgrace
- displace
- distance
- divorce
- do justice
- double-space
- educe
- efface
- effervesce
- effloresce
- embrace
- emplace
- enforce
- enhance
- enlace
- enounce
- ensconce
- entice
- entrance
- evanesce
- evidence
- evince
- experience
- face
- fall from grace
- fall into place
- farce
- fence
- finance
- fleece
- flounce
- fluoresce
- folk dance
- force
- freelance
- give notice
- give the bounce
- give voice
- glance
- grace
- grimace
- hard surface
- horse-race
- ice
- incandesce
- inconvenience
- induce
- influence
- instance
- interlace
- introduce
- intumesce
- invoice
- iridesce
- jaundice
- jounce
- keep one's distance
- keep pace
- lace
- lance
- leave office
- licence
- luminesce
- make a face
- make peace
- mass-produce
- menace
- mince
- misplace
- mispronounce
- mortice
- notice
- obsolesce
- opalesce
- outbalance
- outdistance
- outface
- outpace
- outsource
- overbalance
- overprice
- overproduce
- pace
- phosphoresce
- piece
- pierce
- place
- police
- poultice
- pounce
- practice
- prance
- preface
- prejudice
- price
- produce
- pronounce
- pull a face
- pumice
- quiesce
- race
- re-introduce
- recommence
- recrudesce
- reduce
- reenforce
- reface
- reference
- refinance
- reinforce
- reintroduce
- rejoice
- relace
- reminisce
- renounce
- replace
- reproduce
- resurface
- retrace
- reverence
- rice
- romance
- sacrifice
- satisfice
- sauce
- seduce
- senesce
- sentence
- sequence
- service
- silence
- slam dance
- slice
- sluice
- solace
- source
- space
- spice
- splice
- spruce
- square dance
- stay in place
- suffice
- surface
- take a chance
- take notice
- take office
- take place
- tap dance
- tapdance
- terrace
- think twice
- trace
- traduce
- trance
- transduce
- trice
- triple-space
- trounce
- tumesce
- unbalance
- unbrace
- underprice
- underproduce
- unlace
- voice
- wince
- ace
- advance
- air-to-surface
- askance
- at peace
- at variance
- biface
- ceaseless
- cecal
- cedar-scented
- cedarn
- ceilinged
- celebrated
- celebratory
- celestial
- celiac
- celibate
- cell-free
- cell-like
- cellular
- celluloid
- cellulosid
- celtic
- cementitious
- cenobitic
- cenobitical
- cenogenetic
- cenozoic
- censored
- censorial
- censorious
- censurable
- centenarian
- centenary
- centennial
- center
- centered
- centesimal
- centigrade
- central
- central american
- centralised
- centralising
- centralist
- centralistic
- centralized
- centralizing
- centric
- centrical
- centrifugal
- centripetal
- centrist
- centroidal
- centromeric
- centrosomic
- centrosymmetric
- cephalic
- cephalopod
- cephalopodan
- ceramic
- cercarial
- cereal
- cerebellar
- cerebral
- cerebrospinal
- cerebrovascular
- ceremonial
- ceremonious
- ceric
- cerise
- cernuous
- cerous
- certain
- certifiable
- certificated
- certificatory
- certified
- cerulean
- ceruminous
- cervical
- cervine
- cesarean
- cesarian
- cespitose
- cetacean
- cetaceous
- ceylonese
- chance
- choice
- commonplace
- cut-price
- face-to-face
- fierce
- free-lance
- freelance
- full-face
- glace
- high-performance
- in-your-face
- in advance
- in evidence
- in force
- last-place
- long-distance
- multiple-choice
- nice
- of the essence
- on the fence
- one-piece
- open-source
- out of place
- out of practice
- overnice
- pro-choice
- romance
- scarce
- self-service
- spruce
- sub judice
- subsurface
- surface
- three-piece
- two-piece
- viva-voce
- vivace
- all at once
- anyplace
- apace
- apiece
- askance
- at a low price
- at a lower place
- at first glance
- at once
- at that place
- bce
- by chance
- by choice
- by right of office
- by the piece
- ce
- ceaselessly
- centennially
- centrally
- cerebrally
- ceremonially
- ceremoniously
- certainly
- ceteris paribus
- displaying incompetence
- dolce
- everyplace
- face-to-face
- face to face
- for a bargain price
- for any price
- for instance
- half-price
- hence
- in a higher place
- in a low voice
- in advance
- in essence
- in place
- in practice
- in spite of appearance
- in the first place
- long since
- once
- out of place
- par excellence
- perchance
- perforce
- scarce
- someplace
- sotto voce
- thence
- thrice
- to a higher place
- to a lower place
- twice
- viva voce
- vivace
- whence
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Search Result:Ce
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Overview of noun ce
The noun ce has 1 sense
- cerium, Ce, atomic number 58 -- (a ductile grey metallic element of the lanthanide series; used in lighter flints; the most abundant of the rare-earth group)
Overview of adv ce
The adv ce has 1 sense
- CE, C.E., Common Era -- (of the period coinciding with the Christian era; preferred by some writers who are not Christians; "in 200 CE")